I was born January 27, 2012 in Collinsville, Texas at Taryn Irish Wolfhounds. Gary and Brenda did a great job of helping my parents, Carnasserie Lodestone of Taryn (Stone) and Taryn Waltz Across Texas (Waltz), take care of me until I was able to go home with Michael and Georgia. I now live in Austin, Texas.
As a puppy, I liked to sleep, eat and play but most of all, I liked to chew. I was teething and everything looks liked a chew toy to me.
Now that I am older, I still like to chew. I am really, really fond of wood and limestone rocks. The vet says chewing on rocks isn’t good for me but what does he know? Is he a dog? I think not!!
Well Quinn, we read all of your postings and looked at all of your pictures and there was a lot of oohing and ahhhing going on at our computer ! We sure look so forward to meeting you. We’ve known your mommy and daddy for a long time and we are quite sure you are giving them a lot of happiness and giggles. Oh, and we will save our boxes for you.. it can be our secret!