Tag Archives: play


I am feeling much better after my surgery.  I am back to eating 9+ cups of food a day and I am getting to run and play in the yard again.  I have not only regained the weight I lost, … Continue reading

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Feeling Better

Well, it has been 2 weeks since I came home from surgery.  Last Monday I had my stitches removed (no fun, I don’t recommend it) and they told me I had to wear a T-shirt for about a week since … Continue reading

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Feeling a Little Better

I didn’t think that surgery was going to be an fun and I was right.  I like being back home but the ‘new’ routine stinks.  I can’t go out and play, I only go outside to do my business, if … Continue reading

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Colorado Springs

Today we left Golden and traveled to Colorado Springs.  We have a great RV site in the Cheyenne Mountain State Park.  Neat views of the city at night.  Nice site and of course I still have Nikki to play with.  … Continue reading

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South Dakota

Made it to South Dakota and spent several days visiting with Gary and Lavonne.  We had a great time.  Well, Lucy, their cat, still doesn’t like me very much but other than that everything was great!!  It is cooler here, … Continue reading

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Playing with Toby

Toby came over this evening to play.  That was SOOOOO great.  She is a little Boxer with a lot of spunk.  She can face fight with the best of them.  I wore myself out!! With all the great times I … Continue reading

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New Photos

I got Michael to add a couple of new photos (see My Photos, 21-40 weeks).  It is still hot and humid outside but I do enjoy going for walks and playing with my new blue ball.  I am up to … Continue reading

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I’m 30 Weeks Old

Things have been improving in my life.  I have been face fighting with the water hose.  Don’t you just love to drink out of a water hose?  Well take that to a new height!  Michael sets the nozzle on shower … Continue reading

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Watching TV

Michael and Georgia have been letting me spend time in the family room with them while they watch TV.  I personally don’t get it.  Why you would want to set perfectly still (there is nothing perfect about being still) and … Continue reading

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New Toys

Well, after the suggestions from Bob the people trainer, Michael and Georgia got me some more toys to play with.  They got a rubber globe that they fill with treats.  They also got me a nylabone that has a softer … Continue reading

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