Fashion Island

New Experience Alert:  Today I went for a ride in the PT Cruiser.  THAT is not unusual as I do that every day or two.  What was different was that we stopped at a nearby place called Fashion Island, here in Newport Beach.  This is a BIG place they call a shopping center.  Bob the people trainer meet us at Fashion Island for a guided tour and was it busy.  I mean people everywhere.  They have fountains that make big noises when the water shoots up in the air and even dogs walking their people around.  It wore me out.  I even got into the car without help after Bob loaned Michael a rug to put on the slippery rubber mat that lines the rear of the PT Cruiser.  I hated for Michael to realize that I could get into the car since he normally picks me up and puts me in.

Anyway, all in all it was a pleasurable day.  I came home and slept until past my regular dinner time.  I ate a big dinner and think I will turn in for the night.  Be careful, those shopping centers will wear you out!!

About Quinn

Born January 27, 2012 in Collinsville, Texas. Full name: Taryn Cavan Quinn Breed: Irish Wolfhound Color: I will be a grey brindle when I get older Favorite Activities: Chewing every thing in sight, sleeping
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One Response to Fashion Island

  1. Colleen says:

    I miss you so much, Quinn……… you know I WOULD play with you!!!!! When you get home, I will have a little play mate for yu, and with all your training, you can train her! Be good while travelling, and I will see you soon. Have you gone on a boat yet? Bailey loves it now that she can watch for Duckies. Do you know Ducks?

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