It was busy at our house in December. We had lights and Nativity Scenes both inside and out and lots of friends stopped by. The tree was surrounded by brightly wrapped packages and I was SO good!! I didn’t eat a single package! Christmas Eve was wonderful. All the family came over and the whole room was full of wrapping paper just waiting to be played with. We had a fire in the fireplace and everyone had a great time.
It was so pretty that many of the decorations are still up. Of course the weather has played a role in that also. We have had some cold weather for central Texas. Yesterday morning it was 21 with a ‘Real Feel’ of 12. I like cold weather but Michael isn’t as thrilled out being out taking down lights and wreaths as I am about “helping him”. I am a tremendous assistance with decorations. While he puts up or removes decorations, I race around the yard to see how close I can get to the decorations without actually getting tangled up in them. After all, I am a big puppy. 196 pounds of puppy to be exact. Now that the holiday season is over. Things are slowly returning to normal. It is winter and with the exception of wind (you do remember that I hate wind don’t you), it is a marvelous time of year. Summers are hot and I don’t feel like doing much but BOY OH BOY do I love to run and bounce and play in the winter. I hear that it is supposed to rain and likely sleet this weekend. I like that too. I especially like snow but Michael says I will have to wait for that.