New Photos

I got Michael to add a couple of new photos (see My Photos, 21-40 weeks).  It is still hot and humid outside but I do enjoy going for walks and playing with my new blue ball.  I am up to 114 pounds and still enjoying eating Victor Dog Food (still eating about 9 cups a day).  Today I was 31 weeks old or just over 7 months.

About Quinn

Born January 27, 2012 in Collinsville, Texas. Full name: Taryn Cavan Quinn Breed: Irish Wolfhound Color: I will be a grey brindle when I get older Favorite Activities: Chewing every thing in sight, sleeping
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One Response to New Photos

  1. Lauren Ferster says:

    It was so awesome to meet Mr. Quinn the other day at work!!! He’s such a handsome pup! I hope he loves his new rope toy!!!

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