After a colder than normal winter, we are finally heading into Spring. The only thing I don’t like about Spring is the wind. Wind makes things blow around and that startles me!! I had to go to the vet last week. I have been very itchy lately and have been chewing and scratching myself so much that I am pulling out my hair. Bummer. The vet prescribed some medication for me that really is helping reduce the itching. That is good. I have also found that I have a food allergy to chicken. Do you have any idea how much of the dog food has chicken in it, even if it is supposed to be primarily something else. I am now eating Blue Buffalo Basic Diet Salmon and Potatoes. That is good stuff. I am continuing to slowly fill out. I weighed 196 at the vet’s office. In case you forgot, I was 2 years old just over 2 months ago.
I have a new photo in the photo gallery.
I am still going for a couple of long walks each day. Life’s good!