Wellness Checkup

This going the vet thing is getting old.  A week and a half ago the breeder, Brenda, took me to the vet for shots (boo).  Then this week Michael and Georgia took me to a different vet for a well puppy checkup.  At least I didn’t have to get any more shots.  They sent some of my poo to the lab and they said everything was great, but then I already knew that.  Everything about me is great!!

They said I weighed about 34.9 pounds and was 18″ tall at the shoulders.  That’s pretty good for an 11 week old.

About Quinn

Born January 27, 2012 in Collinsville, Texas. Full name: Taryn Cavan Quinn Breed: Irish Wolfhound Color: I will be a grey brindle when I get older Favorite Activities: Chewing every thing in sight, sleeping
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One Response to Wellness Checkup

  1. Jennifer Baade says:

    Ahhh, I missed seeing you at the vet’s but Dr. AC told me all about you! I have 2 IWs from the owner of that clinic (I know she would love to meet you too) and since I am not there all the time, I hope I’ll get to meet you soon. Branigan & Cherries are 2-yrs-old, so maybe when you get bigger, they can have a playdate. You are such a handsome boy & I look forward to following your puppyhood!

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